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Bharleli Foogi Mirchi (Stuffed Capsicum)

Commonly known as Shimla Mirch in India, capsicums or bell peppers are low in calories and exceptionally rich in vitamin C, which increases the absorption of iron from your gut. Eating raw bell peppers along with iron-rich foods such as green leafy vegetables may help increase your body’s iron stores, cutting your risk of anemia. They are also loaded with other antioxidants.

Sesame seeds are rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants and are often added to provide a nutty flavor and crunchy texture. Sesame seeds contain lignans and phytosterols, which are plant compounds that can help lower cholesterol. Phytosterols are also believed to enhance your immune response and decrease your risk of certain cancers. The sesamin and sesamolin in sesame seeds are known for their antioxidant and antibacterial properties. Antioxidants are important to your health because they protect your body against various diseases by slowing down damage to cells. They’re also packed with copper, which helps make red blood cells. Sesame seeds are an excellent source of manganese and calcium, both of which help your bones grow healthy and strong.

Coconut can be eaten raw, dried, or as flour, is delicious and easy to incorporate into both sweet and savory dishes. Coconut meat contains large amounts of medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs), a type of saturated fat that is much easier for the human body to digest than animal fats. These fats, also called medium chain triglycerides (MCTs), have been demonstrated to boost the endurance of trained athletes. Although coconuts are high in calories because of their fat content, they are also very high in fibre making sure you don’t consume too much by giving you a sense of fullness with very small amounts.

Besan (chickpea/ garbanzo bean flour) also known as gram flour has been a staple in Indian cooking for centuries. It is from the legume family and is lower in carbohydrates and calories but very rich in protein, iron, folate, and manganese apart from other vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants. It is packed with fibre, is lower in calories than other flours and is very filling. It has a lower glycemic index thus preventing a spike in blood sugar. It is a great alternative to use as a gluten free flour. it’s lower in carbs and calories yet richer in protein and fiber.

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Sarson Ka Saag (Spicy Mustard Greens Vegetable)

Sarson or mustard greens have a strong bitter, spicy flavor that is distinctive and makes it so special. They are low in calories and high in nutrients including many health-boosting antioxidants like flavonoids, beta carotene, lutein, and vitamins C and E that fight free radicals (unstable molecules) that can damage your cells. It is for this reason that sarson leaves can protect your skin and lower risk factors of diabetes. Both raw and cooked mustard greens are a phenomenal source of vitamin K, which is best known for its vital role in helping with blood clotting. It’s also been shown to be essential for heart and bone health. The greens are also a great source of several B vitamins, including thiamine (B1,) niacin (B3,) and pyridoxine (B6.)

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Methi Leaf Bhaji with Channa Dal and Onion

Fenugreek leaves are very low in calories and fats, have a low glycemic index, are a rich source of dietary fiber and are an excellent source of several vital antioxidants and minerals like folic acid, vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E, carotenes, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, selenium, and manganese. The soluble and insoluble dietary fiber content in the leaves aid in digestion and smooth bowel movements. Methi leaves contain certain chemicals that aid in insulin production. These leaves are an excellent sources of vitamin K, which is important to help strengthen bone mass and prevent osteoporosis. Fresh methi greens help prevent iron deficiency anemia and may help protect a person from cardiovascular diseases, asthma, and colon and prostate cancers. These greens work as an antibacterial and aid in the cure of Alzheimer’s disease. So all in all, it’s a good ingredient to have in your diet on a regular basis.

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Suran Upkari (Yam)

Yams are nutrient-dense tuber vegetables that come in many colors the most commonly used one in India being the elephant foot yam or suran or jimikand in Hindi. Yams are versatile, easy to prepare, fast to cook, and a great vegetable to include in your diet in both sweet and savory dishes.
They’re a great source of fiber, potassium, manganese, copper, and antioxidants like vitamin C that support bone health, metabolism, and heart function, and are also said to boost brain health, reduce inflammation, and improve blood sugar control. Copper is vital for red blood cell production and iron absorption, while vitamin C can boost your immune system. Yams contain a unique compound called diosgenin, which has been found to promote neuron growth and enhance brain function and improved memory and learning abilities. Remember that chronic inflammation is linked to an increased risk of various conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Yams provide several antioxidants that may have anticancer properties and may help reverse irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and stomach ulcers. Yams also contain resistant starch that may increase digestive enzymes that help break down food and increase the number of good bacteria in your gut.

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Stuffed Snake Gourd

Besan (chickpea/ garbanzo bean flour) also known as gram flour has been a staple in Indian cooking for centuries. It is from the legume family and is lower in carbohydrates and calories but very rich in protein, iron, folate, and manganese apart from other vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants. It is packed with fibre, is lower in calories than other flours and is very filling. It has a lower glycemic index thus preventing a spike in blood sugar. It is a great alternative to use as a gluten free flour. it’s lower in carbs and calories yet richer in protein and fiber.
Snake gourd is widely used in popular local cuisines all over India, and is great in reversing illnesses of the stomach, liver, kidney, and skin. It belongs to the cucumber and squash family and helps cure fever, jaundice and diabetes. It is rich in antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory qualities. It helps get rid of accumulated toxins in the kidneys, enhances the digestive system, and prevents allergies and breathing problems such as asthma. It has an expectorant quality that helps in loosening phlegm or mucous secretions from the respiratory tract. Snake gourd helps eliminate body wastes and kidney stones. It is a non-starchy vegetable that is low in calories and is great for weight loss because of its high water and fiber content. The antioxidants and gallic acid present in it help remove harmful free radicals and alleviates moods, stress, depression and anxiety. It is also great at reversing acid reflux and PCOS.

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