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Sadha Dhania Jeera Powder (Coriander-Cumin Powder)

Recipe Credit: Darshana Muzumdar

Makes 325 grams


  • 250 gms dhania (coriander seeds)
  • 75 gms jeera (cumin seeds)


  • Important Note: the coriander seeds should be a little smaller in size than normal and green in colour. The brown seeds are older and have less fragrance.
  • Clean the coriander seeds and sieve them to remove any dust. Spread them on a dry cloth in the sun for around an hour.
  • Remove any stems from the jeera and sieve it to remove any dust.
  • Dry roast the seeds on low to medium heat till they lose all moisture. This should take around 8-10 minutes. Take care not to allow them to change colour or become brown.
  • Cool by spreading them immediately in a big plate to prevent any seeds from becoming brown at the bottom of the pot.
  • Grind them both together till they become as fine as you can make them.
  • Mix them well in a pot and allow the powder to come down to room temperature.
  • Store in an airtight dry glass jar pressing down the powder firmly.
  • Place a 2-inch piece of asafoetida on top of the powder before fitting the lid tightly.

  • Note: if you want to make it in a smaller quantity, use 2 tablespoons of coriander seeds to 1 teaspoon of cumin seeds.
  • If the powder gets exposed to air, there are chances that it will lose its fragrance and it will get infested with insects and worms.

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