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Kairi (Raw/Green Mango) Chutney

Kairi (raw/green) mango comes in different levels of sourness and is available for almost 6 to 8 months of the year. It is a very versatile ingredient and is used in pickles, preserves, chaats, chutneys, main dishes, and beverages. It is high in vitamin C, calcium, and magnesium which are great to detoxify the body. Raw mangoes are also high in niacin, which helps boost cardiovascular health.

Recipe Credit: Darshana Muzumdar

Serves 3-8 depending if it is served as a main dish or accompaniment in a traditional Indian meal


  • 1 medium sized kairi preferably Totapuri which is less sour (¾ cup when chopped)
  • ½ cup fresh coconut in pieces or grated
  • 2 green chillies (add or reduce as per taste depending on how hot the chilli is)
  • 6 cloves of garlic
  • 1 tsp salt or to taste
  • ¼ cup water

For the Tempering (optional)

  • 1 tsp groundnut or coconut oil
  • ½ tsp mustard seeds


Wash and peel the raw mango. Cut it into half and remove the kernel. Cut the raw mango into smaller pieces, chop the garlic and chillies roughly and grind or blend all the ingredients into a rough or coarse texture as desired. Traditionally this was ground on a flat or circular grinding stone. Remove this into a mixing bowl. If you are going to temper the chutney, heat the oil in an iron tempering ladle on medium heat, add the mustard seeds and let them splutter. Add this to mixture and mix well. This chutney is traditionally eaten with ‘pej’ which is rice cooked in a soup like consistency, or with rice and dal.

For the Whole-Food Plant-Based (WFPB) version:

This is not whole plant based as it is peeled. If you’re adventurous, you could try and see how it tastes with the peel.

Use unrefined salt like rock or sea salt instead of refined salt.

Do not use oil if you are doing the tempering. Heat an iron tempering ladle and add the mustard to it. Let it splutter and then add it to the chutney. (see pics)

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