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Upma with Vegetables

Wheat has been used in various forms, especially ground roughly or fine for centuries. Some people find it difficult to digest wheat because of the gluten in it. Wheat is easier to digest when eaten with a lot of vegetables that contain the fibre. Wheat contains relatively high amounts of protein, dietary fiber, carbohydrates and minerals like calcium. It also contains micronutrients like magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and B vitamins. Wheat kernels have three parts: the bran (outer layer), the germ (core of the kernel), and the endosperm (starchy middle layer). White flour is made by removing the bran and the germ leaving only the endosperm which contains only protein, carbohydrates, and a small number of B vitamins and minerals. The bran and germ layers that are removed are rich in fiber, B vitamins, antioxidants, phytochemicals, and minerals like iron, copper, zinc, and magnesium. Therefore, it is best to eat whole wheat than refined flour/maida as well as eat it with a lot of vegetables.

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Green Smoothie

Serves 1 (Recipe credit: Learn why smoothies are important. However, I also believe that eating fruits helps in achieving our optimum health. Please learn

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Red Rice Poha with Vegetables

Eating plenty of vegetables may be one of the simplest ways to improve health and well-being. They provide energy, vitamins, minerals and fibre and additional health benefits from phytonutrients. Vegetables are also naturally low in fat, salt and sugar, making them an excellent food choice. Starchy vegetables such as potatoes, yams and sweet corn contain higher levels of carbohydrates and are higher in energy (kilojoules) because of their carbohydrate content. Vegetables lose a lot of their nutritional value when cooked so it’s best to eat them in their original form as far as possible or at least cook them the least degree that you can.
Red rice poha is also rich in fibre, carbohydrates and iron. It’s a great ingredient to add to a meal to give the feeling of satiety along with nutrients.

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