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Dadpe Pohe

Poha is made by soaking the rice and then flattening and drying it. It can be considered to be an uncooked form of rice yet doesn’t really need to be cooked to be consumed. It has a reasonable amount of carbohydrates, some potassium, sodium and protein, and is easily digested.

Coconut is a great source of natural fats and lots of fibre. Fibre helps in digestion as well as regulating the absorption of nutrients.

Peanuts are a great source of plant protein and enhance the nutritional value of poha. Peanuts are packed with healthy fat, high-quality protein, and potassium, phosphorous, magnesium, and B vitamins. Peanut skins also contain antioxidants. Peanuts are best eaten raw after soaking and not roasted.

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Masala Pohe (Spicy Pressed Rice)

Poha is made by soaking the rice and then flattening and drying it. It can be considered to be an uncooked form of rice yet doesn’t really need to be cooked to be consumed. It has a reasonable amount of carbohydrates, some potassium, sodium and protein, and is easily digested. Coconut is a great source of natural fats and lots of fibre. Fibre helps in digestion as well as regulating the absorption of nutrients.

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Gul Pohe (Pressed Rice in Jaggery and Coconut)

Poha is made by soaking the rice and then flattening and drying it. It can be considered to be an uncooked form of rice yet doesn’t really need to be cooked to be consumed. It has a reasonable amount of carbohydrates, some potassium, sodium and protein, and is easily digested.

Coconuts have been grown in India for centuries and have traditionally been used in both savoury and sweet dishes. Coconuts are considered a source of healthy fat, but the fat will add up if they are consumed in the form of coconut milk or oil. Also, they contain small amounts of saturated fats and so should be eaten in smaller quantities. Eaten grated or in pieces, they are a great source of fibre and so help digest the fat in them more easily and also keep the quantity consumed lower. The fat in coconuts is easier for the human body to digest and they don’t contain cholesterol like animal fats Coconut also contains iron, manganese, copper and magnesium, which aid in protecting against disease and ease inflammation in the body.

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Red Rice Poha with Vegetables

Eating plenty of vegetables may be one of the simplest ways to improve health and well-being. They provide energy, vitamins, minerals and fibre and additional health benefits from phytonutrients. Vegetables are also naturally low in fat, salt and sugar, making them an excellent food choice. Starchy vegetables such as potatoes, yams and sweet corn contain higher levels of carbohydrates and are higher in energy (kilojoules) because of their carbohydrate content. Vegetables lose a lot of their nutritional value when cooked so it’s best to eat them in their original form as far as possible or at least cook them the least degree that you can.
Red rice poha is also rich in fibre, carbohydrates and iron. It’s a great ingredient to add to a meal to give the feeling of satiety along with nutrients.

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